... (ISS). American officials became so comfortable working with Russia in space that as the US wound down its Space Shuttle programme (finally ended in 2011) and left itself at least temporarily without independent access to the ISS, it was...
... why this international program was based in Australia. Limiting collisions in space Space debris damage to the Space Shuttle Endeavour SERC is implementing a staged approach to limit and ultimately eliminate collisions in space. 1. Slow the rate...
... challenges requires different policy approaches than are represented by the current conventional wisdom... The cockpit of a space shuttle. Investment in space technology is essential for economic growth. Nobel laureate Paul Krugman in his New York...
... ability now to go out there and actually do something that positively affects the future of humanity on Earth.” Space Shuttle, Soyuz, and Space Station Astronaut Ed Lu B612 Foundation Founder & CEO The University of Colorado’s Laboratory for...