... effects over multiple generations, it is important to test the combined effects of partial gravity and long duration on human physiology prior to sustained planetary surface missions. MICEHAB will pave the way for the future human settlement...
...To enable long-duration space missions, we need to advance space habitat designs so that in addition to focusing on astronauts’ basic physiological and psychological needs we also design for the crew’s wellbeing and comfort, while reducing stress and...
.... The human skeleton has evolved under the conditions of the Earth’s gravitational field, along with the physiological mechanisms of bone tissue remodelling which include maturing and resorption. The balance of these constantly occurring processes...
... lower extremities to the upper regions of the body During spaceflight the major changes that occur in the physiology of the cardiovascular system include: Migration of fluids - on the first three days of any space mission there is a significant...
... to assume that the humans born and raised in deep space will have evolutionary differences from us, both physiological and psychological. A behavioural paradigm shift is developing which will transform humanity from Earth-dwellers to deep space...
... procedures for safe food production. Design overview Fresh crops are not only beneficial for human physiological health, but also have a positive impact on crew psychological well-being The EDEN ISS MTF (Figure...