... (URSC). After a rigorous medical and psychological selection process that took into account the participants’ own opinions about their desired team, six women aged between 25 and 34 were chosen for the experiment. The...
... on business plans focused on space resources utilisation, and by extension the security of investments in those plans. However, opinion is consolidating around the interpretation that the US law is in compliance with the OST. A scenario in which...
... missions that ESA and European industry has had to implement and conduct to this day. In our humble opinion, we believe that the Rosetta mission can be considered the ‘Apollo’ moment of our decade. It has not only...
... is co-founder and contributor to the Go Taikonauts! electronic magazine. He thanks Jacqueline Myrrhe and William Carey for valuable opinions and support during writing of this article.
... the richest or the most technologically advanced, can encounter multiple legal, political and strategic barriers. However, in my opinion, there is currently no unified, global, international expert and legal entity that could be have the final say...
... effects produced by immersion and the effects of spaceflight in type, speed of development and intensity. Based on subjective opinion, being immersed first feels like a comfortable and pleasant state of relaxation. Later on, however, some test...