... used in multi-billion dollar industries and hopefully in the not too distant future for energy production in nuclear fusion. Figure 1 shows a summary of different plasmas - characterised by density and temperature. Note in the top left hand...
... tensions between the East and West, so powerful in the 1980s, have not led to a new world conflict or nuclear war. Undoubtedly, we needed this first military-led step before arriving at the civil Earth observation satellites...
.... Sample collection tools could also be used within harsh environments, including highly contaminated areas such as nuclear waste grounds and environmental cleanup sites, or extreme environments like Antarctica. MOONWALK shows that the exploration...
... a short period of time will cause acute radiation sickness and 10 Sv is often fatal. Emergency workers at Japan’s Fukashima nuclear plant disaster in 2011 received up to 678 mSv, yet none of them suffered acute radiation sickness. The effects...
The future world of space will not be like it has been up to now. Activities will include a much wider range of operations, many different types of space applications, and the regulatory and ‘policing’ mechanisms will be considerably different. The ...
... to Mars requires shorter journey times than can be achieved with chemical rockets. The probable solution is to use nuclear rockets along the lines of those nearly ready for production in the USA in the 1970s, assisted perhaps...