..., the Moon would be largely metal-poor. This evidence is seen in the rocks of the lunar highlands,... As dielectric properties are directly linked to the concentration of these metal minerals, it would account for why the team were recording ...
... an undiscovered population does exist, and objects that are even more metal poor and cooler than SDSS J0104+15 are to be found, then large scale near-infrared (NIR) surveys, such as ...
... Baade in the 1940s and were assigned a designation depending on their metal content; Population I (Pop I) are classed as metal-rich, while Population II (pop II) stars are metal-poor. However, as it was discovered that even the most metalpoor Pop...
... Volume, and a void that contains some of the most metal-poor and gas-rich galaxies known. UGC 3672 consists of three ..., the faintest of which is extremely gas-rich and also extremely metal deficient but is also thought to be the site of recent star...
... detected in have similar chemical abundances to our own solar system as planets forming in regions that are considered metal poor or rich could show different interior structures. The team expects to explore these questions in future research.
... main sequence and a handful of red-giant-branch candidate member stars, in other words, it is “an old and metal-poor stellar system.” In addition, as the system is highly elliptical, it is thought to be undergoing tidal disruption, meaning that the...