... the mechanisms involved in these explosive but rare events, supernovae also play a significant role in enriching the interstellar medium with higher mass elements such as iron. Observations such as these can thus allows researchers to better...
... the universe (at essentially the speed of light) without interference as they are not absorbed by intervening matter or deflected by interstellar magnetic fields. This makes them ideal candidates in which to study processes that can otherwise not...
...at higher temperatures than the amorphous grains. These transmission electron microscope (TEM) images reveal that one interstellar grain consists of a small crystalline enstatite core within a non-crystalline (amorphous) silicate of similar elemental...
..., Inc. in Atlanta Cryogenic Selective Surfaces, Robert Youngquist, Kennedy Space Center in Florida Directed Energy Interstellar Study, Philip Lubin, University of California, Santa Barbara Experimental Demonstration and System Analysis for Plasmonic...
... follows is formed independently of the initial mass distribution of proto-stars if the density distribution in the interstellar cloud is fractal. This fractal distribution directly follows from the classical theory of turbulence developed by the...
... team state that their findings are comparable to the water ice abundance found in comets and in dense interstellar clouds in the outer regions of our own solar system. Furthermore, it is not only the ice content that...