... more resilient food systems for Spaceship Earth too. Our Earth is a finite rock travelling across the cosmos, a space of limited resources. If humanity is to persevere and become more than we are today, we need both to learn to live...
... the Native Americans, who continue to contribute to human civilisation. However, there is a barrier to our expansion across the cosmos that we cannot get around. The discovery of Earth-like planets by the Kepler Space Telescope, adds weight...
...’, is the motto on Asgardia’s coat of arms and for many it is an attractive idea. In some circles that look at the cosmos as a site from which vital forces emanate, One Humanity, One Unity is a concordant and essential response, to understand...
... terrestrial life can... only ultimately be avoided by vacating our planet for a more benevolent locale elsewhere in the cosmos.” Planetary scientist Christopher McKay estimates it would take about 100 years to make the planet as warm as an ordinary...
... between two massive objects moving past one another in space, but that mechanism implies that we live in a cosmos filled with pairs of objects rotating in complimentary directions, and at a galactic scale. It’s not clear that we do. Taking our...
... of our focus on germs, there are plenty of enthusiasts hoping to receive a signal from intelligent life somewhere in the cosmos. The SETI institute was established with precisely such hopes in mind. Its work involves studying the...