ROOM: The Space Journal is one of the leading magazines on space exploration, technology and industry. At ROOM, we share a common objective – advancement of peaceful space exploration for the benefit of humankind, all while bringing you incisive articles on an array of popular topics. Our authors include scientists and industry leaders from all over the world, which lets us bring you the newest and detailed information about sputnik space mission 1957.
... interfaces and tools for astronauts, we can achieve better goals that directly affect the success of a space mission When I started in space design over 20 years ago, I was practically alone and I wondered if an architect, a designer... interfaces and tools for astronauts, we can achieve better goals that directly affect the success of a space mission. Galina Balashova (left) presenting her designs in Moscow Russia in 2017. We have to consider also...
... Currently the main, most realistic and upcoming type of space missions are science missions. In a sense, scientific missions can be seen as a type of space activity to which we are inclined to assign a higher...humans to the Moon and especially to Mars, should prompt space mission philosophers to take a greater interest in the bioethics of space missions. Human presence in space, especially on a mission to Mars, will not only involve a number of ...
... of regional conflicts involving some major space powers, increase the vulnerability of space-based systems. Evolution of the population of space objects catalogued by the US Space Surveillance Network from 1957 to 2016. A third concern relates...population in LEO. Number of launches per year is assumed to be about constant. ‘PMD’ refers to Post Mission Disposal - 90 per cent PMD means that 90 per cent of active satellites are disposed of at the ...
... the detection and reporting of events detrimental to public health after a space mission has returned to Earth. The governance of global health and space activities need not exist in parallel universes Article 9(2) of the IHR ...clear-cut obligations and guidelines for states and space operators is essential for the long-term sustainability of space activities Immediately after the launch of Sputnik 1, over six decades ago, scientists and diplomats...
... our spacecraft. Emotional ending Rosetta is the last of the pioneering space missions and its end marks the end of the pioneering phase of space exploration Rosetta was programmed to transmit data in real time, and ... something more than that. Rosetta was the last of the pioneering space missions and its conclusion marked the end of the pioneering phase of space exploration. The new generations of spacecraft, of scientific instruments, of ...
The future of long-term space missions is closely dependent on research into how the human body responds to microgravity conditions. This includes the science of ... of not only technical but also medical issues, which means that including medical specialists on long-term space missions is a key prerequisite. Ultimately, if the human race is to resettle itself elsewhere in the universe, research into maintaining fertility...
...through this research has allowed the Institute’s experts to successfully test technologies that reduce space mission medical and technical risks; to develop methods for increasing the body’s reserve capabilities the medical, biological and psychological problems associated with human isolation and space limitation during simulated long-term space missions beyond Earth’s orbit. Currently, the Institute’s scientists are primarily focused ...
... those already successfully used for identical or very similar applications in other space missions - in terms of environment constraints and mission lifetime - and those for which satisfactory evaluations are obtained in tests... of contamination or corrosion also occur during transport, whether wheeled, by boat or plane. Space missions involve exposure to some of the most demanding and hostile operational environments in which human engineering...
...several members of the team played a key role in developing ‘first of a kind’ space mission concepts, technological solutions and business cases. The KISPE team continues to champion the philosophy and ... next wave of affordable and accessible space systems, missions, applications and services. KISPE’s ambition is to change paradigms about how space missions can be implemented and truly democratise space by reducing barriers to access and extending...