01 September 2021 Industry News

Asgardia space nation links up with Corfu

Photo caption (from left): Socrates Linardos (ASC vice-president), Chavis Gouuaropoulos (ASC secretary), Lena de Winne (prime minister), Lembit Opik (chair of parliament), Salvo Mouzakitis (vice-chair of parliament), Spiros Catechis and Dimitris Kantalis (both Asgardian MPs who live in Corfu and helped coordinate the presentation).
Photo caption (from left): Socrates Linardos (ASC vice-president), Chavis Gouuaropoulos (ASC secretary), Lena de Winne (prime minister), Lembit Opik (chair of parliament), Salvo Mouzakitis (vice-chair of parliament), Spiros Catechis and Dimitris Kantalis (both Asgardian MPs who live in Corfu and helped coordinate the presentation).

An astronomical society on the Greek island of Corfu has linked up with Asgardia the space nation and agreed to cooperate on a series of new outreach and educational projects.

The opportunity for working together came about after an astronomical telescope was donated to Corfu Astronomical Society (ASC) as a personal gift by the nation’s founder Dr Igor Ashurbeyli.

The 20 cm aperture reflector telescope was presented by representatives of Asgardia to Socrates Linardos (ASC vice-president) and Chavis Gouuaropoulos (secretary) at the Corfu town offices of Sotirios Mouzakitis, a commercial lawyer and deputy chair of Asgardia’s parliament.

Mr Linardos thanked Dr Ashurbeyli and Asgardia for the telescope which will be used to support regular public outreach events with students and the general public on the island.

“This donation, coming from a prestigious international organisation such as Asgardia shows the recognition of the valuable work of ASC and gives us the ability to expand this further,” he said.

“The telescope is ideal in that it will allow is to offer inspirational views of the Moon and planets, such as Mars, Jupiter and Saturn,” he added.

The presentation was also attended by Asgardia’s prime minister Lena de Winne and the chair of Parliament Lembit Opik, a former British politician, as well as Corfu TV channel Start and reporters from Corfu Today and Corfu Journal newspapers.

Mrs de Winne gave a short presentation on the Asgardia, outlining both it short and longterm aims and goals, which include providing equal access to space for everyone on Earth and facilitating the birth of the first child in space.

“Asgardia also brings a totally new meaning to the accepted concept of a nation and is working towards international recognition by the United Nations. We are creating a new legacy in space for the human race,” she stated.

Introducing the Asgardia team, Mr Mouzakitis said the nation’s founder was very happy to make the telescope donation. “It provides the incentive to continue with your magnificent work in the community,” he said. “We are connected because because of our common interest in the night sky.”

Speaking to Asgardia representatives after the presentation, Mr Gouuaropoulos said Corfu Astronomical Society would be delighted to support a new initiative from Asgardia by providing its expertise for a series of online webinars.

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