... for the UK MoD and head of the sustainable development International Partnership Programme at UKSA. Ray is now Head of Space Sustainability at UKSA, a varied role ranging from developing sustainability standards to leading a national active debris...
... of the guidelines, members of UNCOPUOS accepted that it was an on going and organic process, whereby notions of space sustainability develop as both technology and cooperative mechanisms evolve. One only has to look at the success of the UN Debris...
... organizing these meetings, with the aim that each roundtable debate should relate to one of the pillars of Sustainable Development: environment, social, economics as well as general issues more related to governance. The focus of the two-day meeting...
... to align community engagement and science capital activities to ensure complimentary messaging about the role of science in sustainable development and education outreach. A final example is working with local academia and local industry on a joint...
...of humanity and, for this purpose, the UN General Assembly adopted the “Space 2030 Agenda: space as a driver of sustainable development” resolution. A few States have started making noteworthy progress in this area. Today, more than 70 space agencies...
... and papers on space technology. He has a BSc in physics and astrophysics from Queen Mary London and a PhD in sustainable development of the space environment from the University of Sunderland. He is a Commissioning Editor for ROOM Space Journal.