...of high-resolution simulations known as the Illustris suite that mimics structure formation in the universe and includes processes such as gravity, the hydrodynamics of gas, star formation and feedback processes to compare with their lensed data. The...
... civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible, and; R* = the average rate of star formation in our galaxy; fp = fraction of those stars that have planets; ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life...
... plasma, both naturally occurring in space and man-made. In space we have the stars (giant plasma balls), supernovae (exploding plasma clouds), star formation regions (cold partially ionised plasmas), the interstellar medium (very tenuous hot plasma...
... a normal night sky vista CSIRO says, but instead of stars, the millions of bright specks captured on the panorama are distant... world to explore the unknown and study everything from star formation to how galaxies and their super-massive black holes ...
... (ISM) - the vast, cold regions of space between stars. The most prominent is molecular hydrogen (H2). Despite being the ... than previously expected; a finding that has implications for star formation theories, as well as the structure, make-up, and ...