... heterogeneous. In a study on the State and Health of the European EO Services Industry [4], the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies reports 451 EO services companies in Europe (and Canada) in 2014. The majority of companies (63 percent...
... to the betterment of farm communities around the world However, in India, the production forecasting of crops using remote sensing data was initiated by the Indian Space Research Organisation in 2008, under the Forecasting Agricultural Output using...
... earliest satellites was a limitation that has been an issue for SAR ever since. Seasat, the first remote sensing satellite for Earth observation with a synthetic aperture radar, was launched in 1978 and had a total mass...
... acknowledges being used for military purposes. Military intelligence satellites generally provide something vague such as ‘remote sensing’ as their purpose. However, some countries, including Russia, have recently been providing more accurate...
... that exist at the surface of Mars today A wide range of salts have been detected on Mars via multispectral remote sensing from orbiting satellites, or in-situ observations from one of the seven successful missions to the surface (Viking 1 and...
... in all parts of the orbit throughout the Mercury year and, to achieve this, most of the apertures of the remote sensing instruments are continuously pointed at the centre of the planet. As a consequence, five out of six of the spacecraft faces...