... unique to binary stars and may also be the key to the formation of planets. With the high capability of radio telescopes such as ALMA to see beyond objects that are normally obscured by gas and dust and therefore blocked...
... of expansion speeds across the sky that varies around individual voids in the galaxy distribution. Cutting-edge radio telescopes such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) should be able to measure the galaxy distribution to see if this effect...
... from dust particles when the next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA), a project to construct a large set of radio telescopes in the US, comes to fruition.
... agency until 2010”. Mind you, the UK had Bernard Lovell (the impetus behind the Jodrell Bank radio telescope) who, in 1961, visited satellite tracking facilities in Russia that no-one else from the West would see...
... world’s leading spaceports… and visited space laboratories around the globe”. He has also photographed optical and radio telescopes, CERN’s particle accelerator and glacier caves. Alongside the images, the book contains “extensive background...