... up to 400C. In addition, it is normal for one or two sides of a spacecraft to always be in shadow, thus allowing these sides to act as radiators, to dissipate heat coming from both the Sun and onboard electronics in the spacecraft itself, into deep...
... typical satellite system with mainstream desktop computing platforms on Earth. A 10-year lag is observed between the radiation-hardened processors and the commercial devices available in retail stores. [1] Software and hardware often go hand in hand...
.... The side-effects of weightlessness and prolonged radiation exposure aside, recent research has demonstrated that...UNCOPUOS) highlighted concerns of “biological, chemical, and radiation contamination”, the endangering of possible living organisms, and...
... its composition, this compound semiconductor alloy can span both the mid- and far-infrared, detecting radiation at wavelengths stretching out as far as 18 µm. Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) Imaging and Sounding satellites will guarantee the...
... the inhabitants and their equipment, where the absence of an atmosphere and magnetic field demands protection from radiation exposure, temperature extremes, meteorite impact and lunar dust. The concept of colonising the Moon predates humankind...
...known as Deinococcus, Deinococcus are among the most radiation-resistant micro-organisms that have been discovered and they...not so fortunate outer layer counterparts as a shield against radiation permeating space – a sort of herd survival mechanism – ...