...more ambitious applications such as solar power satellites and asteroid mining. This, effectively, is the message of this book ...resources and more”. It covers solar power and space mining – but also delves into nascent developments such as commercial...
...data analysis to satisfy the needs of their energy and mining customers. Open Cosmos envisions this MANTIS satellite to be ...is particularly suitable for applications in the energy and mining sector. Companies in these sectors are increasingly carrying...
...plans have been made for the future of asteroid mining, asteroids have moved beyond the jokes into the realm... the dinosaur-killer and the alleged “greed” of that nascent mining industry. It’s not clear that this lyrical triumvirate “will determine our...
... ‘save mankind’, as it did half a century ago? What kind of new Great Space Project would be suitable here? Mining useful minerals in space? The development of cosmic science? Protection against asteroids? Colonising the Moon or Mars? Perhaps...
... environmental impacts associated with goods and services throughout the entire life cycle, from the resource mining to its disposal/recycle. The use of life cycle thinking (analysing a product from cradle to grave) avoids burden...
... our solar system is rich with resources that can be used to displace some of the most toxic means of mining resources on the Earth. These resources, such as industrial quantities of Platinum Group metals, available from the Moon...