...in realising such a system in space. However, one important aspect is how the human vestibular system, adapted to our life on Earth responds to the rotational environment needed for sustained artificial gravity, and in particular the role of the semi...
...six million years of human evolution that optimised us for life on Earth will stand in the way of our ability to ...have developed DNA replication and repair capabilities optimised for life on Earth. Epigenetic changes - that is changes in a ...
... understand the multiple threats posed to our planet and life on Earth from such things as climate breakdown, solar storms,...but none should be considered more important than saving Earth, human life, and the global economy from real and tangible ...
... and the way they will shape our future life on Earth, in Earth’s near orbit and on other planets. As ...innate drive to utopian thought. Hands-on approach Without simulation on the Earth, there would be no real human activity in space This is ...
...Life on Earth has evolved under many varying physical conditions but one constant factor which has remained largely unchanged throughout time is Earth...reversed effects after seven months back on Earth. Another study performed voxel-based morphometry ...
... spectrum - the keyword for this recent field of investigation is ‘multiwavelength’ astronomy. Fortunately, from the perspective of life on Earth, our atmosphere blocks a large part of harmful radiation from space. This however is not such good news...