Whilst it eventually plans to operate a futuristic Earth orbiting space complex, Asgardia’s first satellite will store data for the nation’s newly selected citizens- up to the first one and a half million people who adopt the Constitution of ...
... parliament will select and approve the government, supreme court and supreme space council, resulting in the inauguration of the first Head of Nation around the middle of 2018. According to Dr Ram Jakhu, Associate Professor at McGill University...
... astronauts. This is of interest to nations that have not traditionally had access to human space exploration, as shown by the inauguration of the United Arab Emirates astronaut programme and other initiatives such as the Indian, Turkish and Nigerian...
... on visual physiology and perception. Artist and space educator Helen Schell was inspired to consider how artists inaugurate innovation using creative thinking to enhance this research. Her pioneering and visionary project, The Human Spaceship...
Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner spacecraft completed the first land touchdown of a human-rated capsule in US history Sunday at White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico, wrapping up the company’s uncrewed Orbital Flight Test as part of NASA’s Commercial ...
... On 16 July of the same year, a Soyuz-U vehicle inaugurated the commercial use of the Fregat stage from Baikonur to launch ...the brand new Siberian space base located in Vostochny - successfully inaugurated on 28 April 2016 - by using a mobile gantry ...