... infrared polarisation observations from SOFIA provide a powerful tool to study the magnetic field strength and structure in galaxies. Ongoing efforts like the SOFIA Extragalactic Magnetic Fields Legacy Program will provide deeper observations of the...
... LMC have revealed a bit of a problem. This once dwarf spiral galaxy is actually teeming with the unseen dark stuff – up to twice as... Cloud with the Milky Way will wreak havoc with our galaxy, said lead author Dr Marius Cautun, a postdoctoral fellow ...
...of spiral DRAGNS. What role spiral DRAGNs play in standard galaxy formation theories, is still a matter of debate but the...that DRAGNS “may represent a rare phenomenon of elliptical galaxies transitioning back into spirals through accretion of gas and ...
... more quickly than other molecules. This time around, CH+ has been found in a number of starburst galaxies, including the Cosmic Eyelash – a galaxy that is about 10 billion light years away and is producing stars at a rate that is equivalent to about...
... are a unique astronomical objects because their visual appearance depends on the observer's perspective. For example, a spiral galaxy that spins clockwise when observed from Earth, would seem to spin counterclockwise when the observer is located...
...can be more luminous than the light from the rest of the galaxy put together. It is believed that this outpouring of radiation is a... by a supermassive black hole at the centre of its host galaxy and as the energy is dispersed, it heats and dispels the...