... radiation environment, would it be possible today to effectively warn those who need to act to protect important military and civil assets? And, if so-warned, could effective actions be taken in such a short time? Knowing the impacts of the 4 August...
... space. The standard 13-month reference calendar of the space state of Asgardia is a purely civil neutral calendar for the first time in the history of civilization. It does not serve any religious groupd or political parties. It is designed to serve...
...lines indicate (from left): sunset, the end of civil, nautical and astronomical twilights, and the opposite series of... number of visible satellites decreases as twilight advances from civil to nautical, from nautical to astronomical, and from ...
.... These are all vital components for the development of civil society, financial stability and an economy that has to ...under stress. Together with the Committee Chairs, the Asgardian ‘civil service’, and the steady, calm and honest teamwork between ...
... of the field. These agreements established the rules relating to airspace and a whole web of provisions including civil law liability frameworks, managing hijacking and criminality and responsibility for passenger safety. A specialised agency of the...
...a specialised organisation to promote regulations and standards for commercial uses of space; for instance, the International Civil Aviation Organization’s sphere of influence should extend into space to coordination international SSA and STM. Toward...