... study extreme acceleration mechanisms from compact objects such as neutron stars and black holes, ranging up to billions of solar masses (supermassive black holes). Its polarimetric capabilities and its continuum sensitivity will solve the problem...
...quest to discover gravitational waves from supermassive black hole binaries. The road below the telescope’s...cloud is in the constellation Aquilla and “beats” in rhythm with a black hole 100 light years away in a microquasar system known as SS 433. ...
... planetary systems." Aside from the dust, astronomers are also still looking for evidence of a neutron star or a black hole left behind by the blast. As the star exploded, a flash of neutrinos were detected prompting astronomers to suggest that...
... faint. Indeed to date only around 20 were previously known about. Quasars on the other hand consist of a supermassive black hole surrounded by an orbiting accretion disk of gas. They are among the most luminous, powerful, and energetic objects...
...as the devastating collision will re-awaken our galaxy's dormant black hole thus turning the Milky Way into an 'active galactic ... of high energy radiation emanating from just outside the black hole. While this will not affect our Solar System, there...
... in their centres. Scientists are still trying to work out which came first, the galaxy or the supermassive black hole,” according to the center. The crowd-sourcing approach leverages the “wisdom of crowds” principle, according to the center...