When astronomers made the first observation of a binary black hole merger in February 2016, it was not just gravitational waves that were caught rippling through Earth; a wave of ...
...the hunt for more. Current reports suggest that binary black hole mergers are being discovered by LIGO and its ...the merger of a white dwarf with either a neutron star or a black hole. “The explosion is likely to be the result of a merger between ...
... orbiting the system is needed to generate the light and it is thought that any available gas around the binary black holes would have been swept up long before the gravitational waves were emitted. For this reason, some...
...) and its discovery is also raising questions about how massive black holes are formed. When scientists made the first direct detection of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger in February 2016, not only did they prove Einstein...
...latest issue of Nature. The discovery came as a big surprise. "Black holes of such mass should not even exist in our Galaxy, according to ... the LIGO-Virgo detections of binary black hole collisions during the past four years really points towards...
... instead of two, the LIGO team and the Virgo Collaboration jointly report that a fourth confirmed detection of a binary black hole merger has been recorded. It is the first time that both scientific collaborations have worked together to pin...