... became a great puzzle for scientists, who proposed many theories for the change, ranging from a huge asteroid collision to a cloud of broken-apart comets. But perhaps the wildest theory about KIC 8462852 is that it is home to a gigantic...
...our own giving planets stability and shielding them from asteroid collisions, and liquid inner cores of planets producing magnetic ...desired effect For instance, giant volcanic eruptions and asteroid impacts are the most likely explanations for many ...
... earth such as space debris, coronal mass ejections and asteroid collisions. There are estimated to be more than 20,000 traceable... already been taken by the UN (through the International Asteroid Warning Network - IAWN) and the Space Mission Planning ...
... During its extended mission, Spitzer continued to make significant scientific discoveries. In 2014, it detected evidence of asteroid collisions in a newly formed planetary system, providing evidence that such smash-ups might be common in early solar...