... challenges but a greater challenge by far is convincing humanity to live in peace and accept the need to protect our spaceship Earth in an effectively coordinated and coherent manner. One might ask: “How hard could this be for any truly...
... does away with all of that immediately and allows us to design more resilient food systems for Spaceship Earth too. Our Earth is a finite rock travelling across the cosmos, a space of limited resources. If humanity is to persevere and become more...
...more global perspective than when they went up, and are more environmentally sensitive. Millions of tourists seeing Spaceship Earth for themselves could provide a boost to global action on the climate and conservation. There is a historical precedent...
... earlier this year. “Asteroid impacts are the only natural disaster we know how to prevent if we, as the crew of Spaceship Earth work together towards a global solution.” Although the dedicated Asteroid Day Team have established their headquarters...
... important place is humanity’s own personal spaceship, Earth. Our plant is stunningly, overwhelmingly beautiful...that I feel an obligation to share. Appreciation for our home planet Earth will continue to be an underlying theme of our ‘Space for ...
... direct messaging and collaborative games has made the Earth accessible in ways previous generations scarcely dreamed possible....grow on our first habitat in space - our home, spaceship Earth. Young Pioneers group (4th grade) presenting their Emerging ...