...carry out fundamental and applied research simultaneously. The projects are also unique in the world because of Russia’s physical location on the globe, as well as the unique mathematical software on which the project is based. Observation experience...
...India sees more opportunities with the USA than with Russia. The geopolitical and economic landscape of mid-2023 ... while undermining China’s space ambitions. All this while Russia’s space programme has experienced a significant decline resulting from...
... China may face a similar or more serious situation than Russia is facing today. Tiangong 1 during final test and launch...tracking support from the EDRS, or even NASA’s TDRS and Russia’s Luch systems, which may possibly replace new tracking stations to...
...Confidence-Building Measures in outer space activities. Treaty proposal Since the beginning of the century, China and Russia have been active at the Conference on Disarmament in promoting their proposed draft Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement...
... set up at the Institute. Tours are arranged for schoolchildren, students, veterans, and representatives of the scientific circles of Russia and other countries. For many years the Institute has been participating in theme-specific awareness-building...
... served the government sector as opposed to the commercial sector because this was where the profits were. In Russia, government launches are usually provided by the Centre for Operation of Ground- Based Space Infrastructure (usually abbreviated...