... ago, astronomers thought that the Universe was composed almost entirely of "baryonic matter" – ordinary atoms made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. But, after calculating the density and composition of the Universe from measurements of the...
... heavy elements like gold and platinum. Again, the previous culprit to explain the formation of atoms with a proton count greater than 26 fell to that of a supernova, as the energy and amount of neutrons released as the core collapses...
...hoping to acquire the most accurate measurements of the fundamental constants α (the fine structure constant) and μ (the proton to electron mass ratio) as a function of redshift. Such tiny changes are predicted by some theories of fundamental physics...
... space from around 400,000 after the big bang, scientists have calculated that ‘normal’ matter – protons, neutrons and other subatomic particles that make up all of the stuff we see all around us such as planets...
... all hydrogen atoms are the same. One type is ‘heavier,’ as along with the standard electron and proton that a normal hydrogen atom contains, it packs in an extra neutron in its nucleus. This heavy hydrogen is called deuterium...
... is essential for life; molybdenum. An isotope is a variant of a particular chemical element which has the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons in each atom. Molybdenum does not occur naturally as a free metal on Earth because...