...which two years ago suffered a catastrophic in-flight breakup due to a premature brake deployment, causing it to crash in the Mojave desert, California. While the pilot, Peter Siebold, survived with serious injuries, the the co-pilot, Michael Alsbury...
...anomaly (2015) - on 31 October 2014, Virgin Galactic’s suborbital spaceplane SpaceShipTwo crashed during a test flight in the Mojave Desert, California, killing co-pilot Michael Alsbury and seriously injuring pilot Peter Siebold. The artwork ‘serious...
...plane ever built – made its debut last week in the Mojave desert. Stratolaunch, an aircraft to dwarf all others, is the ... weather. Stratolaunch was built by Scaled Composites, a Mojave-based aerospace company founded by Burt Rutan, Scaled Composites...
...] spent nearly four years embedded with the company at its hangar in the Mojave Desert”. In a note, the author himself confirms that he made 16 trips to Mojave and conducted hundreds of taped interviews, assuring us that “Everything in these pages...
... Galactic, began openly speaking about his plans of turning a profit on suborbital tourism. Space startups mushroomed in the Mojave Desert. SpaceX, founded by Elon Musk, became a world-famous company. Until July 2011, when the Skolkovo space...
... the first time after being released from Virgin Mothership Eve (VMS Eve) on 3 December 2016 in the Mojave Desert. The amount of fuel needed for a flight to orbit using a single-stage vehicle with existing rocket engines...