... to the discussion on how science fiction continues to influence space exploration, from the Moon landings to the daily research aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS has enabled an enormous amount of scientific research since the...
...limitations and sustainability. Today’s human exploration missions primarily revolve around the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS was designed as an international laboratory; hence it is a noisy work environment with bright lights and people...
... not ready for the next step which is actually to let go of the International Space Station (ISS). It will be tough, if not tougher, than letting go of the Space Shuttle and moving to reliance on commercial entities to provide transportation. How did...
... for spacecraft crews is therefore currently not fully guaranteed - and in a facility like the International Space Station (ISS), no-one would be happy to hear about an uncontrolled microbial dissemination. Astronauts sample a surface on the...