...days spent on the International Space Station where he made videos about performing mundane tasks in space including brushing teeth and... Japanese tourists documented their daily life aboard the ISS for Maezawa's popular YouTube channel. Addressing his...
... carefully studied both during and after their flights in zero gravity. Detailed biomedical research on board the International Space Station (ISS) during the last 10 years has revealed much about the behaviour of the human body in this strange...
... experiment in cultivating pak choi cabbage and radishes was conducted in the Svet greenhouse on board the International Space Station (ISS). The productivity and speed of ontogenetic plant development (from the earliest stage to maturity) in this...
.... The range of ideas is broad and includes applications, products and services related to utilisation of the International Space Station, post-ISS exploitation, lunar exploration and ground analogue tests. Each partnership offers opportunities for...
... ‘simple’ concept, but I’m going to repeat it too because I believe it is also a significant and powerful statement. The International Space Station (ISS). Since the year 2000 it has enabled people of many nationalities to live and work together ‘off...
... and enabling the capabilities to explore multiple destinations through a combination of commercial and international partnerships. Ongoing research on board the International Space Station (ISS) has taught us much about the effects of long duration...