... for many billions of years to come. However, recent dark matter measurements of the LMC have revealed a bit of a ...This once dwarf spiral galaxy is actually teeming with the unseen dark stuff – up to twice as much as past calculations suggested ...
...ago were they not protected by a large amount of dark matter,” says Michael Beasley, the first author of a ...." Results for VCC 1287 suggest that this particular UDG has a dark [matter]-to-stellar mass fraction of ~3000, a figure the authors state is...
.... Gravity acts as the glue that holds both the ordinary and dark matter together in galaxies. Nonetheless, as neither dark matter nor dark energy, a strange phenomenon associated with the acceleration of our expanding universe, has ever been directly...
..., magnets attract or repel other magnets—so what if that’s what’s going on in the universe? That this constant expansion of dark matter is occurring thanks to some sort of magnetic force?” asks Steen Hansen. And indeed that seems to be the case...
... structure spanning over 500 million light-years is thought to form along and follow web-like strings of dark matter. Does dark matter dictate the structure of the Universe? Studies such as this hope to answer that question and to establish...
... currently. For one thing, physicist James Bullock is challenging some of the standard assumptions surrounding dark matter. In a nutshell, he suggests that dark matter may be complex, and self-interacting. You can read his full interview with QUANTA...