... will provide unprecedented insight into how our parent star works in terms of its 11-year solar activity cycle, and how the Sun creates and controls the magnetic bubble – the heliosphere – in which our planet...
...now officially over announced NASA scientists yesterday and a new cycle, dubbed cycle 25, has begun. One of the most basic ways ...the past few years, solar activity during the last cycle, cycle 24, has been relatively low, said experts from NASA...
... should be convective all the way into the star's core, so accordingly it shouldn't experience a regular cycle of activity. "The existence of a cycle in Proxima Centauri shows that we don't understand how stars' magnetic fields are generated as well...
...solar wind. CMEs are emitted throughout the 11-year sunspot cycle and vary in frequency from several times a week ...sunspot minimum. The Sun emits hundreds of CMEs throughout a sunspot cycle. Typical CMEs can extend up to about 120 degrees in angular...
... lacklustre since the Apollo era. However, new methodologies such as ‘agile aerospace’ are enabling rapid design cycles of complex space systems in a previously unseen way. Innovative business models are being developed with the aim...
..., the permanent colonisation of these and other destinations will require colonists to partake in normal human reproduction cycles. In the excitement to develop the technologies necessary to accomplish their goals it is important to include the long...