...was piqued in this tiny Saturnian moon when in 2005 Cassini discovered jets of icy particles, laced with a brew...in situ at Enceladus' seafloor would be extremely challenging and is a mission that is unlikely to happen for at least the next few decades...
... as promising as these results appear, the team acknowledge that it will take future missions with instruments more sophisticated than those used by Cassini in order to analyse the organic molecules found in Enceladus’s plumes. Hopefully by then, the...
...last year, a new analysis of data collected by the mission revealed the presence of silica, nitrogen and oxygen in the ...that is commonly found in quartz sand on Earth – analysed in Cassini data, also led scientists to the same suggestion; that the ...
... hydrogen atmosphere is also noteworthy. Saturn's gaseous atmosphere is so immense, it crushed and vaporised NASA’s Cassini spacecraft when it ended its mission by diving into the giant planet in 2017. It is also what stops scientists from peering...
... for the rocket and satellite industry. We said a sad farewell to one of the most distinguished planetary missions of our time - Cassini. However we also said hello to the first interstellar visitor from another system as it passed briefly through...
... though as Dr O'Donoghue believes that the rings could even disappear quicker than this. "Add to this the Cassini-spacecraft detected ring-material falling into Saturn's equator, and the rings have less than 100...