...of the UK Space Agency, which appears to be losing its role in determining strategy and becoming more focused on delivery. Britain’s separation from the European Union, ‘Brexit’, and the challenges around access to Galileo and positioning, navigation...
... its jurisdiction. Taking the UK as an example, the Interpretation Act 1978 defines the United Kingdom as being “Great Britain and Northern Ireland”, rather than as being anywhere that the UK has jurisdiction. By comparison, in the US, the situation...
... when the first launch site was constructed at Peenemünde on the Baltic coast in the early 1940s. Britain had heard reports of a German rocket base, but did not know what exactly it was looking for...
... its travels around the globe by participating in the International Airshow that was held 14-20 July in Farnborough (Great Britain). Several thousand Airshow attendees got a chance to see the magazine, among them those from leading world...
... risk we’re willing to accept from smaller rocks. That risk is not easy to calculate. Just take the case of Britain. It is not directly in any known asteroid path – but as the Telegraph reports , a sea impact could potentially trigger...
... of the launch of the world’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1—a momentous day in the history of space exploration! Britain’s Daily Mail reported that a Russian fan of Manchester United, Alexei Yakovlev, enlisted astronaut Steve Swanson to take...