12 October 2015 News

Rocking the vision of a new space revolution with Rick Tumlinson at TEDxESA

A new space industry revolution

Rick is a real space entrepreneur who co-founded Deep Space Industries, an asteroid mining company; a space suit company (Orbital Outfitters); and several other space projects and organisations, including the New Worlds Institute. He advocates not only creating commercial space opportunities as well, but sees such activities as the stepping stones to human exploration and settlement of the solar system. He helped create the NewSpace movement that includes Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, and investors like Paul Allen and Larry Page of Google.

Rick has been called one of the world’s top space “Visionaries” and was listed by Space News as one of the world’s top 100 most influential space leaders. He is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and Space News, and his writings and interviews appear in media worldwide, from CNN to the New York Times, to Fox News, Al Jazeera and China’s People’s Daily.

Science Beyond Fiction

Space is a serious matter, and with the event’s theme being Science Beyond Fiction, Rick will show how to build a bridge to the stars on the solid foundation of the world’s space programmes. Imagine a breakthrough into space, the expansion of the human civilisation and the life of Earth beyond our world.


In the spirit of TED – sharing ideas – TEDxESA aims at reaching out to new audiences, bringing up fresh ideas and challenging topics. With this first event, the ESA wants to take you out of this world and lift you into new heights. Let it take you on a space journey where ideas are worth spreading, and where science takes you beyond fiction. Be inspired, explore and challenge yourself to take the next step into a new world.

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