16 October 2020 Industry News

When Simpson met Simpson

Charles Simpson (left) meeting ROOM Managing Editor Clive Simpson (right)
Charles Simpson (left) meeting ROOM Managing Editor Clive Simpson (right)

Scientist Charles Simpson, who has written an article for publication in ROOM’s upcoming Winter issue, and ROOM Managing Editor Clive Simpson enjoyed an opportunity to meet for a coffee and to exchange ideas this week.

Apart from sharing the same surname and first-name initial, and having a common interest in all things space, the two C Simpson’s are not related in any way.

But the coincidences don’t end there. Soon after proposing his article for ROOM it became apparent they both lived in the same county of the UK and were based only about 30 miles from each other.

“It’s been really hard to network in person during all the restrictions of the pandemic so it was great to take the opportunity to actually meet someone connected to ROOM in person at a local coffee shop,” said Clive.

“Life is always a bit more fun when a series of unexpected coincidences play out - and sometimes it just goes to prove that the world is an ever smaller place than we imagine,” he added.

Charles Simpson’s article ‘Orbital debris - junk versus heritage’ will appear in the Winter 2020 issue of ROOM which is published in late December.

He is founder of aerospace consulting firm Alternum and is also working on a PhD in aerospace engineering at Kingston University, London.

ROOM Space Journal of Asgardia also had a great week at the virtual International Astronautical Congress (IAC), held Monday to Wednesday, for which it was one of the high-profile media sponsors.

A special and exclusive digital edition of the magazine, that combined a selection of articles from the Summer and Autumn issues, was downloaded more than 500 times by IAC delegates from across the world.


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