22 April 2016 Industry News

ROOM at the Space Symposium

ROOM at the Space Symposium
ROOM at the Space Symposium

ROOM is proud to have been a media partner at this year's Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The Space Symposium has been firmly established as the single most important event for government organizations, and between government and industry on both a national and international basis. Top civil and military space leaders from the U.S. and abroad participated in this year's event.

ROOM was delighted to attend this fascinating event and have the opportunity to introduce our latest print issue.

ROOM'S Tiffany Chow with US astronaut Buzz Aldrin ROOM'S Tiffany Chow with US astronaut Buzz Aldrin

Representatives from the Aerospace Corporation1

Representatives from the Aerospace Corporation Representatives from the Aerospace Corporation

President of Colorado Aerospace Consultants  (right) President of Colorado Aerospace Consultants (right)

Colorado Springs

Next year's Space Symposium will be held April 3-6, 2016 and we look forward to it already!

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